Traffic Update: Circle K Roundabout Phase 2

18 September 2020
As part of the continuous improvements to the Dublin Port Roads Network, Kilwex Ltd are to start works on Promenade Road East and Circle K Roundabout and continue works on Promenade Road West in the Port estate.
Please see below Traffic Management Plan (TMP 80) and Diversion route drawing (TMP 82) which will be in operation from the 23rd of September 2020 until the 1st week in December.
Traffic Management Plan 80
Traffic Management Plan 82
All routes will be clearly signposted and VMS boards in place to assist.
In case of emergency while traveling on any of these routes – please remain with your vehicle and contact 086 2622122 for recovery.
Should you have any queries in relation to this now or at any stage, please do not hesitate to contact the below.
Kilwex Contact: Danny 086 790 2302 (Engineer) or Michelle O’Donnell 087 2627928
Dublin Port Contact:
We thank you for your co-operation and patience.