9 June 2015

Dublin Port Dangerous Goods Cargoes (Class 1) Bye-laws 2015

Dublin Port Company issues Dangerous Goods (Class 1) Bye-laws 2015

The Dublin Port Dangerous Goods Cargo (Class 1) Bye-laws (2015) were prepared in accordance with section 34 of the Explosives Act 1875 and came into effect on the 3rd day of June 2015. 

The Bye-laws supersede and replace the Dangerous Goods (Cargoes) Bye-Laws of the Port of Dublin 1986, insofar as they apply to Class 1 Dangerous Goods (Explosives), which are hereby revoked.

The control of Dangerous Goods at Dublin Port of all other Classes, except Class 1 is regulated under the Dublin Port Dangerous (Cargoes) Bye-laws 2014, which came into effect on the 5th day of May 2014.

Download Dublin Port Dangerous Goods Cargo (Class 1) Bye-laws (2015)

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